Teaching staff

The faculty of chair consists of highly skilled teachers, authors of many educational, methodical grants and complexes which are conducted effective training on Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages.

  1. Serikbaeva Gulshat Zhapargalievna - Head of the Department Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  2. Dautova Saule Battalovna - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
  3. Aukhadieva Zauresh Zhumabaevna - Candidate of Physical Sciences, Acting Professor.
  4. Shainova Gulnar Burkatovna - Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  5. Shyntaeva Nursulu Sailauovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  6. Fatima Zakirovna Seitova - Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associated Professor
  7. Elshibayeva Kalimash Zakirovna - PhD, associated professor
  8. Esenova Elmira Mingazilovna - Senor Lecturer
  9. Ezhenova Aigul Ataniyazovna - Senor Lecturer
  10. Moldabaeva Batikha Anufievna - Senor Lecturer
  11. Sagimova Aizhan Sadvakasovna - Senor Lecturer
  12. Pirimzharova Rayash Khuvanshevna - Senor Lecturer
  13. Nurpeisova Gulzhakhan Muratbekovna - Senor Lecturer
  14. Smagulova Sholpan Karimovna - Senor Lecturer
  15. Umbetbekova Kulyash Mukaramovna - Senor Lecturer
  16. Zhakipova Mira Nurzadinovna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degreе
  17. Kekilbaeva Zhazira Embergenovna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree
  18. Gulmira Kubenovna Mirkenova - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree
  19. Nigmatullaeva Gulnara Talgatkyzy - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree.
  20. Kurmasheva Gaukhar Batyrshayevna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree
  21. Zhunisova Zhadyra Kondybaevna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree.
  22. Abdullaeva Ainur Askarovna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree
  23. Smagul Zhansaya Kairatovna - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree
  24. Askar Zhanar Darmenkyzy - Senor Lecturer, Master's Degree.
  25. Kyzylbek Nurskultan Koptileuuly - Assistant, Master's Degree
  26. Hess Anna - Senor Lecturer
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